Wood Grilled Tuna with Sprouted Lentil & Wild Ramp Fritter and Smoked Onion Puree
Recipe courtesy of Andrew Winfield.
“Andrew brings together great skill and enthusiasm and takes genuine pleasure in the quality of each ingredient. He honours the hard work and dedication of every grower and farmer he sources from. He has long focused his efforts to bring to the table the best tasting food in the most responsible way. He is dedicated to sourcing naturally grown and raised ingredients from farms, ranches, and growers, and wild seafood from sustainable fisheries.”
To sprout the lentils:
Cover 1cup green lentils with water & soak 2 days at room temperature, place soaked lentils in a mason jar, wrap the lid in cheesecloth to allow air & leave on counter. Every 2 days pour water into jar, swirl around to rinse and pour out. After 7-8 days you should see a healthy bunch of sprouts. The sprouts can last for up to 1 week in your fridge once sprouted, and be used for salads, broths or homemade breads.
Ingredients – Fritter Batter
- 1 cup Highwood crossing organic flour
- 1 cup dashi ( Japanese traditional stock of Kombu, soy & Bonito flakes – recipe follows)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 fresh farm eggs
Combine all ingredients whisking vigorously, set aside.
Ingredients – Dashi
- 1L water
- 40g dulse (Newfoundland dried seaweed, or use konbu)
- 2 tbsp soy
- 10g bonito flakes
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 fresh farm eggs
Simmer for 1 hour all together at 140°F, set aside and cool.
Ingredients – Fritter
- 1 cup sprouted lentils
- 1/4 cup of batter
- 4 wild ramps sliced thin
- small handful of bonito flakes
- 1 tsp ginger rasped on a microplane
Combine and reserve till ready to finish the dish.
Ingredients – Smoked Broxburn Onion Puree
- 1 large onion peeled and smoked lightly ( 10-15min)
- 1L fish stock
- 2 bay leaf
- 1 star anise
Take smoked onion chop coarsely into large wedges. Combine onion and stock, simmer for 1 hr on very low heat until au sec. Remove star anise and bay. Puree together in blender, keep warm.
Ingredients – Fresh Garden Dill- Camelina oil
- 1⁄4 cup fresh chopped dill
- 1⁄4 cup camelina oil
To Finish
Season tuna with course sea salt, cracked black pepper and oil. Let sit 20 min at room temp to take chill off & allow seasoning to enhance tuna. On a very hot grill; sear tuna on all sides for a total of 30-40 seconds. Set aside to rest and warm through.
Spoon fritter mixture into hot pan on medium heat with 1 tbsp sunflower oil, spreading batter out so it is only 1cm thick (should make 3-4 fritters) Cooking until golden on one side , then flip to cook 2nd Warm onion puree in small pot, whisk in 1 tbsp cold butter and take sauce off heat. Place a few spoonfuls of warm onion puree onto plate, add a golden sprouted lentil fritter, slice warm tuna 1 cm thick, place on top of warm fritter. Drizzle a generous amount of dill-camelina oil over tuna and around fritter.
“Feel free to add some seasonal Fiddleheads, Maybe local Green Beans, or a quick sauté of fresh Fava sprouts as well?” Finish Tuna with a few flakes of sea salt.