In early July 2013, we had once again run low on our 500ml Original Camelina Oil. We had just completed bottle runs of our 250ml sizes and it was time to move along to the 500ml bottles.

The seed we trucked to Golburn Valley Oilmills was grown and harvested by Colin Rosengren. It was seeded on May 18, 2012. The growing conditions early on that year were wet and humid but come July the sun came out and we finished the growing season with hot and dry conditions. On August 22nd Colin harvested a beautiful crop of Camelina.

Once pressed, the oil was transferred to Spalding where it was bottled at Northern Nutraceuticals. Bottling began on July 10th and 3 days later it was completed and shipped to Saskatoon to be distributed across Canada to all of our fabulour retailers!

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